About Us
Azkue Fundazioa seeks to foster the use and presence of Basque in digital settings. To that end, it works as an associate in showcasing the efforts of the players in this sector, focusing on knowledge, creation and distribution of topics and tools in Basque. The foundation also sets up digital projects in a collaboration basis, with the focus on young people, especially in Bizkaia.
Azkue Fundazioa strives to ensure that Basque speakers have the same rights and opportunities as speakers of other languages in digital settings, seeking to be an active player in the digital environment in Basque.
Basque: The Basque language is the backbone of the Foundation. The digital environment is the context for the language, and is closely linked to its use. The Foundation therefore concentrates its actions at the point where Basque and the digial environment meet.
Social networks: The Foundation identifies associations, movements and other organisations as partners and draws up medium- and long-term agreements with them.
Collaboration: The Foundation seeks to act suitably in its links with its service providers and partners, and strives always to establish collaboration agreements on an equal footing with the latter.
Digital culture: The Foundation takes into account the values comprised in digital culture – collaboration, distribution of knowledge and flexible, low-commitment engagement – in designing its activities.
Transparency: The Foundation gives the most detailed explanations possible of its operations and acts with transparency in all calls.
Euskararen Etxea
The Foundation runs the House of the Basque Language in the San Ignacio district of Bilbao, set up in 2004 in a collaborative project involving the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Bilbao City Hall and the Basque Government.
Euskararen Etxea seeks to be a reference point for the main players in the Basque country and for Basque society as a whole. It offers a range of services and resources which are available free of charge: Basque Language Interpretation Centre, secondment of venues and co-working spaces.
Governing Board
Leixuri Arrizabalaga Arruza, Councillor responsible for the Basque Language, Culture and Sports at the Provincial Council of Bizkaia (DFB)
Isaac Amezaga Larrazabal, Director General for Basque at the DFB.
- Begoña de Ibarra Zuazo, Director General for Culture at the DFB
- Javier Bikandi Irazabal, Director General for Coordination & Digital Strategy at the DFB
- Asier Haza del Cerro, Head of the Basque Language, Culture & Sports Department at the DFB
- Eider Inunciaga Serna, Councillor in Charge of Basque, Citizen’s Advice and Engagement, the 2030 Agenda and International Affairs at Bilbao City Hall
- Junkal Gutierrez Mangado, Vice-Rector for Basque, Culture and Internationalisation at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU)
- Xabier Riezu Arregi, Vice-Rector for Language Policy and Head of the San Sebastián Campus of the University of Deusto
- Andres Urritua Badiola, Chairman of Euskaltzaindia (the Basque Language Academy)
Certificado Bikain
The Bikain certificate assesses the presence, use and management of the Basque language at organisations. Azkue Fundazioa was awarded the highest grade, i.e. the Gold Bikain Certificate, in 2016.